Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Large Herringbone cedar board arrow DIY

For some reason I'm overly excited about how this turned out and wanted to share with you what I did today. It was a total random project. 

As I was finishing painting my rug, I was noticing all the scraps of cedar fence pickets we had left over from our old fence project.  All the sudden I had an urge to make something with them.. and this is what happened.

I Love herringbone patterns, and the current arrow trend. I started out not really knowing what I wanted to do.. I laid the scraps out on my drive way and came up with the arrow pattern... not like it was some genius idea or anything.. I search the garage and found some scrap 1x3 boards and decided I could nail them to that. I started the first picket  by cutting the first 1x3 at a 45 to give me an idea of the angle to nail them down.. I just started laying them out and hand nailed them down..

I had left over pieces from the fence that were already cut; however, cedar pickets are only 1.79 I believe at Lowes right now.. so you could make this your self for pretty cheap you would just have to cut the boards to even links and either dog ear or leave square corners.. and 1x3s aren't that much either.. probably cost somewhere around 20$ or less I would guess. 

To get the colors, I just took some acrylic paint I had on hand and watered it down some. I did a wash on several of the board and several I left natural. 

For costing nothing I'm pretty excited about how this turned out and that I was able to make use of all the scrap pieces I had. I'm not 100 percent sure this is where it will stay... I'm thinking I want to hang it sideways on our big blank wall, but will need Adam's help doing that.. so this is where it is now. To hang it I used one of those self leveler hanging brackets nailed to the back! If you decided to make one your self I'd love to see the outcome. Post on my facebook page or tag me on twitter @imperfectlyimag

be sure to share and I will feature some of my faves on a future post! Would love to see what you come up with!