Wednesday, July 30, 2014

New wood door mat

Quick, inexpensive, durable, and oh so fun door mat! Easy to build, follow directions below. 
Seriously tired of buying door mats. They seem to last like a month here at my house or they get wet and start shedding and looking yucky.. and they all seemed too small.

I saw this idea on pinterest. I believe it was a Martha Stewart project. I had tons of scrap wood, and the rope so this project cost me nothing! If you are not a hoarder like my self, or like my husband would like to tell people, 2x2's are a little over a dollar at lowes. I was able to get 3 boards from one 8ft length. I cut mine to 24" so if you did them a little shorter you could get 4 per board. I had 16 total. I had 3/4 inch rope on hand left over from a project gone bad for Ryker's room. See Adam, I told you I would find some where to use it. :)

So like I said I took my 2x2's and cut them to 24" lengths. I used our miter saw but even a hand saw would work for this project.

16 total @ 24"

next I measured 6 inches from each end on the two end boards. I made a line then using a long level drew a line all the way across the boards, this would mark where to drill my holes. 
disregard the second line. I originally did 4" but decided on 6"

I took a scrap piece of wood and laid it under the 2x2 as I drilled the holes.. I used a 1/2 drill bit and just kind of wiggled it around in the hole to make it a tad larger.. I wanted it to be snug so the boards wouldn't slip around.

I took some acrylic paint I had on hand and watered it down a tiny bit to do a wash on all the boards. It didn't take them long to dry... I'm still debating on what to seal them with.  for now I just left them as is. 

I tied a knot on one end of the rope and added tape to the other end. 

My 5 year old came out and decided I was making a huge xylophone so she wanted in on the action.. she wasn't as thrilled when I told her it was a door mat. We fished the tape end through the holes pulling the slack until the knot caught.. then did that the rest of the way down ending in another knot. 

Super happy with how it came out. Hoping to repaint my front door to night! I have been a major slacker on outdoor projects this summer. I guess after moving in we have been focused on inside, but man my entry is so boring, well a little less so now. 

Are you a fan of the wood door mat? What fun summer projects have you done? would love to hear from you! Happy Summer! 


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Rykers New Big Boy Room

Ryker figured out how to climb out of his crib. So a new room it was.. and a new big boy bed!

 I loved the Lydia daybed plan from Ana White. My brother had an old pine bed that was very similar to this when he was little and it just seemed perfect.. I liked that it had some sides to it, I just felt it was a little girly. So I changed a few things. I left off the side molding and simplified the side cut out panels. I also opted for a stain rather than paint.

Im currently still waiting for a very large antique map to come in. It will be hung centered above the bed. 

For my stain I applied Olympic maximum cedar Naturaltone.. It an deck stain I believe.. but it was the only stain that gave me a very golden orangey yellow.. I mean its orange lol.. but I wanted that warm undertone. I then used my favorite wax of all time. Briwax tudor brown I buy mine from a local antique store. This helped reduce the orange a little and give it a more aged look. 

Here are a few more pictures of his room so far. I still need to build him a dresser, hang the map and add some more decor, but I love how it is turing out.. and sorry for the terrible pictures we were finishing up late.. Its so much cuter in person.. the nave is a much darker saturated navy.. 

So far so Good! Ryker hasn't come out of his room yet after laying him down :) hopefully it will be  a smooth transition. 

Let me know what you think! 

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