Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A super cute super affordable 4th of July Party

Decide 3 days before the 4th that we would be hosting the 4th of July party for our family... So with a quick shopping trip to the Dollar Tree I was able to set up a cute inexpensive party!

I decided it was more worth it to buy things I could reuse next year or for other events. Everything shown in the pictures was bought new except for the mason jars, I had those on hand. Guess how much it cost? Under 40$. YEAH!!!

So if your in a crunch check your local dollar tree. I also suggest mixing things, I didn't go with things all from one section. I bought their simple white plates and wrote "we the People" on them for the event. I bought the glass stem ware to show of the colorful holiday punch i will be serving..... I bought the "old school" picnic style table cloths, super cute plastic reusable utensils, paper flag printed napkins. The table decorations and lanterns were also at dollar tree. I did go and buy some black out fabric from Joanns, and painted the rustic flag with Old Glory written on the bottom for the center of the tables... so enough reading lets get to the pictures!!!!! 

Painted mason jars for utensils